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Message Board

Each course has a dedicated course message board. The message board is where you can interact with the instructor and with other students during the week. Students are welcome to post on this message board at any time throughout the course, 24 hours a day. In some classes, the instructor may post extra discussion questions after class each week that will give you something to talk about!

You can get to the course message board by clicking on the Message Board tab of the class homepage.

Whenever you create a new thread, it will also notify course staff to let them know that a question has been asked. Also you have the option to make posts that are anonymous to the other students.

We have integrated the message board into the transcripts and homework to make it easier to discuss the transcript and the homework. Read more about that below.

How To Post

There are a few different ways to post on the Message Board. The When You Get Stuck guide has some recommendations for how to ask a good question in your message board post.

Replying to Another Topic

When you're reading through a particular topic, you can reply using either the "N Reply" link near the top-right, or using the "N Quick Reply" at the bottom of the topic. When replying to another topic, you will not have the option to post anonymously, unless you were the original poster in the thread who posted anonymously.

Posting from a Transcript

We strongly encourage you to post questions about material from class or the transcript by posting from the transcript! This makes it very easy for the instructor to tell exactly what part of the transcript you have a question about, and it allows other students looking for help with the same topic to easily find other similar discussions.

When hovering over any line in a transcript, you'll see a green icon that looks like this: V. Click that icon to start creating a new Message Board post that is "linked" to that line of the transcript. (You'll notice that a tag is automatically created as a link to that transcript, and the line you selected will be quoted in your post!) On this screen, you may also choose to check the "Post Anonymously" box. If you check this box, your username will be hidden from your classmates - your classmates will instead see a post from the user "Halp." Instructional staff will be able to see your real username, though.

If you see a green t icon to the right of any transcript line, this means someone has asked a question about that same line! Click on the icon to view all of the topics "linked" to that line of the transcript.

Posting from the Homework Tab

We strongly encourage you to post questions about a homework question by posting from the Homework tab! This makes it very easy for the instructor to tell exactly what problem you have a question about, and it allows other students looking for help with the same problem to easily find other similar discussions.

Each homework problem has a two images in the top-right of the problem box: V and t.

Click the V icon to start creating a new Message Board post that is "Linked" to that homework problem. (You'll notice that two "Tags" are automatically created: one that is "Week X homework" and one that is a link to that specific problem.) On this screen, you may also choose to check the "Post Anonymously" box. If you check this box, your username will be hidden from your classmates— your classmates will instead see a post from the user "Halp." Instructional staff will be able to see your real username, though.

Click the t icon to view all of the topics "linked" to that homework problem.

If you create a new post in this way after you have viewed the solution to the problem, your post will also be automatically hidden from any students who have not already completed the problem. This prevents others from accidentally being spoiled by any questions or comments you have about the official solution before they have answered the problem themselves.

Start A New Topic from Message Board Tab

Visit the course message board and select the "V New Topic" link in the top-right. You must include a subject and text within the post. You may also include "tags." You can preview your post by clicking the blue "Preview" link at the bottom of the new post box. Once you're ready to post, click the blue "Submit" button, and it will be posted to the course message board immediately!

On this screen, you may also choose to check the "Post Anonymously" box. If you check this box, your username will be hidden from your classmates - your classmates will instead see a post from the user "Halp." Instructional staff will be able to see your real username, though.

LaTeX and Asymptote

You can include LaTeX-typeset math equations within your post. You can simply wrap the expression or equation in dollar signs (such as $x-4=10$). It is never required to use LaTeX, but it is available for students who wish to use it.

You can also include images within the text of your post by using the Asymptote Vector Graphics Language. Just as with LaTeX, learning Asymptote is not required, but it is available for students who wish to use. You can also include images and diagrams by linking or uploading files. More details about that are included below.

To include Asymptote code with your submission, place your code between the tags [asy] and [/asy], like this:
[asy]Asymptote Code Goes Here[/asy].

Our AoPS Wiki has plenty of helpful information about how to use LaTeX and Asymptote, if you are interested.

Including Images

Please see above for instructions about including images within the text of your post with Asymptote.

To include an image at a URL with your post, select the "mountain photo" icon from the buttons at the top of the posting window.

To upload a file, such as an image, with your post, select the "paperclip" icon that looks like this: U.


You can include Python code that can be run, edited, and run again within your posts! To include Python in your post, place your code between the tags [pywindow] and [/pywindow], like this:
[pywindow]Python Code Goes Here[/pywindow].

Community Policies and Etiquette

One of the two principles of the AoPS Honor Code is that students will be respectful of all other AoPS users while in this class and on this site, as stated in the AoPS Terms of Service. All AoPS students have agreed to this statement before beginning their courses. More details about the Honor Code can be found on this page.

The same love of math and learning is what brings each of us to the site. All AoPS members have a right to experience a kind, welcoming, and safe environment. This includes you, as well as your classmates, the course staff, and other AoPS administrators.

Be sure to keep these expectations in mind when interacting with others on the message board, as well as in class. If you encounter something that you feel is in violation of the Terms of Service or Honor Code, please let us know! You can notify AoPS staff about a particular post on a message board by clicking the Z icon to "Report" that post. We also welcome you to reach out to your instructor or assistants, or email school administrators at classes@aops.com.

When the Course is Over

After the course has ended, the forum will be locked. That is, no additional posts can be made to it. However, this course message board will always be accessible for viewing in the My Forums section of your My AoPS page.