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Once The Course Is Over

Class is over! We hope you've enjoyed it and learned some awesome stuff. Below is information to help you navigate the end of your AoPS course.

Course Homepage and Resource Access

Access to your course homepage expires about a month after your final class session. Some resources expire with the course, while others do not. Here's a list of resources and their expiration dates.

Overview, My Goals, Homework, Handouts

Access to all of these expires when the course expires. If you wish to save transcripts, homework problems, or handouts, we recommend saving or printing them. Many browsers have a "Print to PDF" option in the print functionality that can save you paper. You can find more specific instructions for saving class transcripts and saving homework below.


Alcumus is free for all AoPS users and is always available here. You will still have access to it after your course expires, and all the work done during your course will be saved, though you will need to write down the list of topics assigned in class if you would like to keep that information.

To access Alcumus from nearly any AoPS page, go to the Resources menu in the upper right corner and click on the Alcumus link.


If you purchased the electronic textbook, you will have access to it after the course expires on your My Books page. To access this page, go to the Bookstore menu at the top of almost any AoPS.com page, and click on My Books.


All the AoPS videos are sorted by subject on our Videos page. To access this page, go to the Resources menu at the top of nearly any AoPS.com page, and click on Videos. These videos are also available on our YouTube page.

Message Board

After the course expires, the message board will be read-only. This means you'll still be able to read posts, but will not be able to make new posts. You'll find all of your archived message boards for expired classes on your My Forums page within the Community area of the site.

Course Classroom

The classroom will be accessible for about a week after the final class session. This way, you can still meet with your fellow students to discuss the final homework.

Saving Class Transcripts

The easiest way to do this is to save it as a PDF. To do this, go to the transcript or homework page you wish to print, and click "Print" from your browser's menu. Then select "Print to PDF" or "Save to PDF" from the printer selection menu or PDF menu—this step varies depending on your operating system and browser.

If a "Print to PDF" or "Save to PDF" option is not an option on your computer, you may need to install a pdf editor such as CutePDF.

Saving Homework

Printing a webpage to a pdf, as recommended above for saving transcripts, will also work for the homework. If you want to see the official solutions as well, make sure to click the appropriate "View Solution" buttons before printing.

End Of Class FAQs

Below are some commonly-asked questions about the end of class. If you have questions that aren't answered here, we always welcome you to email classes@aops.com.

  • How can I get a grade or other documentation for my class?

    If you'd like to request documentation, such as a grade report or certificate of completion, please see our Grades and Documentation page.

  • What if I'm not done with my homework?

    Short-answer Challenge Problems can be completed up until the expiration date of your course with no need for an extension. Writing problems will continue to be collected on their respective due dates, and you can continue to request extensions as needed until the course homepage expires.

  • The course is expiring too soon. Can I have a little more time?

    If you need a little more time to access the course resources, you can request it by emailing extensions@aops.com. Please include the reason why you are requesting the extension. Remember that you do not need an extension to work on Alcumus.

  • But I LOVED this class! Why can't you leave it open forever?

    We know the feeling—this class is pretty great! Unfortunately, keeping a class open takes resources, both for our computers and for our people. Monitoring message boards, grading homeworks, and so forth takes time. By archiving classes, we ensure that we can give our current classes the attention they need. But don't worry! This class will live on in the hearts and minds of you and your classmates, as well as deep in the AoPS archives.

  • What course should I take next?

    We'd love to have you back in the classroom! If you visit our Recommendations page, you can find guidance on what course might be good to take next.