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If your course has Writing Problems, and you need a little more time to work on one of these problems, you can request an extension.
Note: Alcumus and Short-Answer Challenge Problems do not require an extension.
On this page
How To Request An Extension
Extension requests can be made on the Homework tab of your course homepage. Visit the Homework tab for the week that you're requesting the extension, and click on the "Request an Extension" link, as shown.

A window will appear that allows you to select an extension date and enter an explanation for why you are requesting this extension.
Depending on the length of your course, you'll be given 2-4 automatic extensions. "Automatic" extensions for 3 days or less will be granted immediately. You'll receive a Private Message from AoPS Extensionsbot Mia when signed in to the AoPS website.
If you request to push back the due date more than 3 days, or if you have no more automatic extensions, your request will be reviewed by AoPS staff. Be sure to provide a detailed reason when you are requesting an extension. These requests are not guaranteed to be granted, and they may take up to 1 full business day to process. You will receive a Private Message on the AoPS website from AoPS Extensionsbot Mia to let you know when your request has been reviewed.
Important Comments About Extensions
If you will be requesting an extension, do not click the View Solution button.
We cannot grant you an extension if you have already viewed the solution to the problem.
Don't worry too much if you need an extension or two.
Extensions won't affect your scores, and we won't think less of you! Sometimes a surprise sickness or family obligation can prevent you from finishing your homework on time. Sometimes, despite starting early and giving yourself plenty of time to work, you need just one more day to finish up a problem. We've been there, and we understand.
But, be thoughtful about how you use your extensions.
We've given you a fixed number of automatic extensions for a reason. We're happy to work with you, but we also expect you to finish your work on time as much as possible.
If you run out of automatic extensions, think carefully about how you're budgeting your time. Make sure you're starting your work early enough in the week to give yourself enough time to think over and wrestle with the most challenging problems. Look over the Working Through Material guide, and compare it to how you are approaching components of the homework. Check out the My Goals tab to help you schedule your time. We welcome you to email if you'd like to discuss some strategies on managing your workload going forward.
If You Miss a Few Classes in a Row
If you miss a few classes in a row (for example, if you go on a vacation or go to camp), be sure to look over the Miss A Class guide to help you get caught up with material. Use the Request Extension button to set up an extension schedule that you feel will be manageable and allow you to get caught up with the rest of the class as soon as possible. We recommend spacing due dates about four days apart until you are caught up with the class.
If you'd like some help setting up a schedule to get caught up, we welcome you to email