Hi this is my wiki page! Welcome! I'd rather you not edit my info unless it's something useful to add. You can post anything in the "Miscellaneous" section, preferably not spam.
About hy
Username Info
I made this account back in the summer of 2015, and wasn't planning on using much. However, I really liked AoPS and became an active member of the community and all that.
HY is my initials, some of you might know my name, but I'm not going to publicize my name on a wiki page. 2015 came from the year I joined.
Yep, pretty boring username. Still regret naming myself that. Back when I made this account, I didn't really care so that's how I came up with the most boring username ever.
I am also referred to as hy, so you can call me that.
Personal Info
Name? No not telling you that. Wait why are you reading my wiki page stalker? Okay some basic info: I'm in 7th grade I'm a girl
In Real Person
Well... If you are in NY, you might meet me in NY State MC next year.
AoPS Resources
I do alcumus for Online Class homework, so I use it quite a lot.
I go on FTW sometimes and play.
I don't use MC Trainer a lot, but I do a few questions once in a while.
I usually participate in Reaper games. However, I find them boring an a waste of time.
My highest was 1st place, with 28th place finishing.
(That was when the game just started and I was the first few to reap.)
I play a greed control game for a couple of days, but then it gets boring.
AoPS Community
I'm a quite active member of the community. At first, I wasn't even expecting to reach 100 posts, now I have around 1400 posts. I really like AoPS and it's great.
My blog can be found here. However, it is private, and PM me if you want to have access to it.
Miscellaneous Stuff
Users can feel free to add things to this section. However, please do not spam.
someone: hi
...hy isn't here anymore :/
A person that needs endurance over math: Hello, how's life?
Someone that wishes hy was here: Please? xD idk if you will ever read this... lolol DKOSAdksoaicjasdjxfoasdfjafosjf im bored jadfsiodcmflsiowjrxe