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Hi Everyone,
I am Flame Kho. I am currently working in England and quite fluent in both English and Mandarin.
I have a broad range of interests: mathematics, Cover Chess, classic Chinese songs, travels, etc. I also enjoy creating certificates for chess winners. Visit this page for my interests and artworks. :)
Below is my upcoming avatar, which I will change two weeks from now.
I am an amateur problem-solver. I am so proud of my contribution to 2021 AMC 10A Problem 25 (Solution 3).
Cover Chess
Cover Chess is a variant of Xiangqi (Chinese Chess), where all pieces are covered initially. The game has a considerable amount of luck--even amateur players have a chance of beating masters.
I managed many Cover Chess tournaments and participated in certificate-making. See my artworks below.
Guess Songs
I am a fan of Chinese classic music. I recognize a lot of songs. If you want to challenge me on guessing songs, I will always be here! :)
In this section, I will show you my artworks across different areas. I am the original author for all of the artworks below.
Hope you enjoy them! :)
Cover Chess

Guess Songs
Valentine Speed Chess Tournament

Master Challenges
Other Chess Tournaments

Finally, I am a huge fan of stickers. Below are my favorite ones. As you can tell, I love cats in particular.

I especially thank MRENTHUSIASM for creating and editing my user page.