File list
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
20:55, 26 February 2025 | DALL·E 2024-11-09 19.28.14 - A solid dark blue screen, with a deep navy blue color, evenly shaded and filling the entire frame without any text or details.webp (file) | Error creating thumbnail: convert: no decode delegate for this image format `/var/www/wiki/images/6/62/DALL·E_2024-11-09_19.28.14_-_A_solid_dark_blue_screen,_with_a_deep_navy_blue_color,_evenly_shaded_and_filling_the_entire_frame_without_any_text_or_details.webp' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/532.
convert: missing an image filename `/tmp/transform_481a84a7bcdd.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3015.
Error code: 1 |
184 KB | 1 |