A predicate is a logical expression. In the context of set theory, usually a predicate is a statement which can be expressed using only symbols from symbolic logic, variables, and the set-theoretic relations and
. Additional relations can be made with predicates by using propositional logic quantifiers such as
, which mean "for-all" and "there exists" respectively.
In English, this predicate reads, "The empty set is an element of ." Note that this is not true for all sets.
In English, this translates to, "For all sets , the empty set is a subset of
." Since
is an abbreviation for the predicate
, this can be rewritten using only logical symbols, variables, and the set-theoretic notations
, as follows:
In English, this revised predicate reads, "For all sets , for all sets
, if
is an element of the empty set, then
is an element of
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