Multiplicative function
A multiplicative function is a function such that
for all
. That is,
commutes with multiplication. Multiplicative functions arise most commonly in the field of number theory, where an alternate definition is often used: a function from the positive integers to the complex numbers is said to be multiplicative if
for all relatively prime
The function defined on the real numbers by
is a simple example of a multiplicative function.
For a function to be multiplicative, the domain
and range
must be sets with multiplication. Then
means that
preserves the multiplicative structure. One prominent class of functions with this property are homomorphisms of groups (where the group operation is multiplication).
Multiplicative functions in number theory
Multiplicative functions are of special importance in the field of analytic number theory. In this context, one works with multiplicative functions .
In this case, one sometimes also defines weak multiplicative functions: a function is weak multiplicative if and only if
for all pairs of relatively prime positive integers
. If actually
for all positive integers
, we say that
is strongly multiplicative (but this notion is of less central importance).
Examples of multiplicative functions in elementary number theory include the identity map, the divisor function that gives the number of divisors of the integer
, the sum of divisors function
that gives the sum of divisors of the integer
(and its generalization
), Euler's totient function
, and the Mobius function
Let be multiplicative in the number theoretic sense ("weak multiplicative"). Then the function
defined by
is also multiplicative. In this situation, the Mobius inversion formula allows us to write
in terms of
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