Linear regression
Linear regression is the approximation of many data points using a single linear function of one or more variables.
Mean squared error
Suppose we are given a multiset of dependent variable values and a multiset of corresponding independent variable values
. We want to create a function
that predicts
with as little overall error as possible. We can quantify the error using mean squared error, defined by
is notated
, because
is a prediction of
Note the similarity of to the distance formula
in Euclidean space; in fact,
, so
increases monotonically with
(which is always nonnegative). Thus, minimizing
corresponds to minimizing Euclidean distance between a point whose coordinates are the
and a point whose coordinates are the
If is a constant function equal to the arithmetic mean of
, then the
equals the variance of
Vector-valued functions
Sometimes multiple values are to be predicted in conjunction (for example, in a weather forecast, the wind components in both the north and east directions). In this case the are represented by vectors, so the predictor function
should also be a vector-valued function. The
formula is altered slightly to include magnitudes:
The summands in the numerator, by the vector magnitude formula, are themselves the sum of squares of differences between components.
Multiple regression
If there are multiple independent variables in conjunction (for example, if a student's past three AMC scores are used to predict the next score), then the regression becomes a multiple regression. Each must then be viewed as a sequence
, where
is the number of predictors. The terms of this sequence are passed one by one into
as arguments;
is therefore a function of