Kansas mathematics competitions
Kansas elementary school mathematics competitions
- KCATM, (grades 4-12). It is divided into three divisions, grades 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12. The contest features an individual competition, where participants take tests on various subjects, and a team competition, Mathletics. The 2006 competition had over 1000 participants. website
- MAM at KU, (grades 5-12). It is divided into three divisions, grades 5-6, 7-9 and 10-12, and is a 40 minute, 5 question test. First, second and third in each division win
75 and $50 monetary prizes, respectively. The 2006 competition had over 100 participants. website
- Barstow Math Contest, (grades 4-8) It is an individual math competition that is hosted by The Barstow School. website
- Manhattan Mathematical Olympiad (KSU), (grades 5-12) website old website
Kansas middle school mathematics competitions
AoPS hosts middle school math forums where students can discuss contest problems and mathematics.
- Kansas MathCounts is part of the national MathCounts competition.
- KCATM, (grades 4-12). See above. website
- Barstow Math Contest, (grades 4-8) It is an individual math competition that is hosted annually by The Barstow School. website
- MAM at KU, (grades 5-12). See above. website
- Manhattan Mathematical Olympiad (KSU), (grades 5-12) website old website
Kansas high school mathematics competitions
AoPS hosts high school math forums where students can discuss contest problems and mathematics.
- KCATM, (grades 4-12). See above. website
- MAM at KU, (grades 5-12). See above. website
- Manhattan Mathematical Olympiad (KSU), (grades 5-12) website old website
- FHSU Math Relays website
- PSU Math Relays website
- Emporia State University Math Day website
- Washburn University Math Day website
Kansas collegiate mathematics competitions
AoPS hosts high school math forums where students can discuss contest problems and mathematics.
- K-State S. Thomas Parker Mathematics Competition website
- Kansas Collegiate Mathematics Competition (KCMC) website
National math contests
- List of United States elementary school mathematics competitions for national contests.
- List of United States middle school mathematics competitions for national contests.
- List of United States high school mathematics competitions for national contests.