Chakravala method
The chakravala method is an algorithm for solving the Pell equation
Method of composition
We let and
be integers such that
, and we notate
We then choose a positive integer and let
Existence of suitable choice
We claim that it is always possible to choose such that
is an integer.
Because , we have
, so
Suppose . Then
. Because
also divides
, so
We can therefore construct a set of possible positive integer values of
, none congruent to another
; the corresponding values of
take all
distinct values
, so there must be one element
in the set such that
; that is,
is an integer.
Recovery of initial conditions
We further claim that if is an integer, then
is also an integer, and
For the first claim, we use the fact that is an integer to conclude that
. Therefore,
The right-hand side of the above congruence is
; the left side is
. Because
is a multiple of
is also a multiple of
. Thus,
is an integer.
For the second claim, we prove that . Suppose that a positive integer
divides both
Similarly to before, we consider
and use the assumption that
is a multiple of
to make the substitution
, obtaining
is a multiple of
, so
is also a multiple of
. Thus,
is a divisor of
We now claim that .
From Brahmagupta's Identity (with and
) we have
That is,
Dividing both sides by
gives the desired result.
We begin by choosing initial relatively prime integers and
. At each step, we choose the value of
that minimizes
(among the values of
for which
is an integer) and replace the values of
with the resulting values of
. Repeating this step, the value of
eventually reaches
, yielding a solution to the Pell equation.