2002 IMO Problems

Problems of the 2002 IMO.

Day I

Problem 1

$S$ is the set of all $(h,k)$ with $h,k$ non-negative integers such that $h + k < n$. Each element of $S$ is colored red or blue, so that if $(h,k)$ is red and $h' \le h,k' \le k$, then $(h',k')$ is also red. A type $1$ subset of $S$ has $n$ blue elements with different first member and a type $2$ subset of $S$ has $n$ blue elements with different second member. Show that there are the same number of type $1$ and type $2$ subsets.


Problem 2

$BC$ is a diameter of a circle center $O$. $A$ is any point on the circle with $\angle AOC \not\le 60^\circ$. $EF$ is the chord which is the perpendicular bisector of $AO$. $D$ is the midpoint of the minor arc $AB$. The line through $O$ parallel to $AD$ meets $AC$ at $J$. Show that $J$ is the incenter of triangle $CEF$.


Problem 3

Find all pairs of positive integers $m,n \ge 3$ for which here exist infinitely many positive integers $a$ such that


is itself an integer.


Day II

Problem 4

Let $n>1$ be an integer and let $1=d_{1}<d_{2}<d_{3} \cdots <d_{r}=n$ be all of its positive divisors in increasing order. Show that \[d=d_1d_2+d_2d_3+ \cdots +d_{r-1}d_r <n^2.\]


Problem 5

Find all functions $f:\Bbb{R}\to \Bbb{R}$ such that


for all real numbers $x,y,z,t$.


Problem 6

Let $n \ge 3$ be a positive integer. Let $C_1,C_2,...,C_n$ be unit circles in the plane, with centers $O_1,O_2,...,O_n$ respectively. If no line meets more than two of the circles, prove that

\[\sum_{1\le i< j \le n}^{}\frac{1}{O_iO_j}\le\frac{(n-1)\pi}{4}\]


See Also

2002 IMO (Problems) • Resources
Preceded by
2001 IMO
1 2 3 4 5 6 Followed by
2003 IMO
All IMO Problems and Solutions