Dunan League
Once upon a time, during a guided study(or WIN, as Clarke calls it) Aidan Dincan(azduncan) was in Mr. Frost's room, doing some corrections on some Mathcounts tests when Bronzefur(or wuz it ZhaoPow, I forget) noticed his great spelling. On one of my targets, he wrote “Dunan” instead of “Duncan” as his last name. Thus, everyone on the math team started calling him “Dunan”. Some random people noticed that people were calling Aidan “Dunan”, and then they started calling him “Dunan”, too. So now, about half of the kids in Clarke know him as "Dunan". In fact, “Clarke Dunan’s Theorem” was a team at the [url=https://abmathcompetition.org]Acton-Boxborough Math Competition[/url].
Then one day Bronzefur put DUNAN LEAGUE as pretty much everything on his profile, so all of a sudden Dunan League was a thing. It was a profile pic, status, etc. It became a trend on AoPS.