Twin Prime Conjecture
The Twin Prime Conjecture is a conjecture (i.e., not a theorem) that states that there are infinitely many pairs of twin primes, i.e. pairs of primes that differ by .
Failed Proofs
Using an infinite series
One possible strategy to prove the infinitude of twin primes is an idea adopted from the proof of Dirichlet's Theorem. If one can show that the sum
of the reciprocals of twin primes diverges, this would imply that there are infinitely many twin primes. Unfortunately, it has been shown that this sum converges to a constant , known as Brun's constant. This could mean either that there are finitely many twin prime pairs or that they are spaced "too far apart" for that series to diverge.
Yitang Zhang approach
A weaker version of twin prime conjecture was proved by Yitang Zhang in 2013. This version stated that there are infinitely many pairs of primes that differ by a finite number. The number Yitang chose was 7,000,000. Terence Tao and other people has reduced that boundary to 246 more numbers. This article is a stub. Help us out by expanding it.