Herro! This is Tungsten. Tungsten is not tungsten. This is random. And this is Rjordell-Rjordell
Stuff Tungsten Tends to Waste his Time on
- Programming
- Python
- Java
- Bits and pieces of PHP
- Minimal bits of JS
- NaNoWriMo YWP (I'm Tungsten, if any of you guys are on there).
- I actually won this year! With the world's lowest wordcount of 2500, that is...
- Reading
AoPS- This article
The Blog of Tungsten
'Tis awesomesaucy. And random. And you should go there.\end{Shameless advertisement}
Met/Been In the same room as/Want to meet
- None. :(
Been in the same room as:
- None. :( :(
Want to meet:
- All of you!
- Tungsten (I would be interesting to meet him)
- NMK/Neo/NeoMathematicalKid
- PythonNut
- Red (knittingfrenzy18)
- Mr. Rusczyk
- levans
- The rest of the admins
- A bunch of people I'm probably leaving out.