AoPS Wiki:Sandbox
Welcome to the sandbox, a location to test your newfound wiki-editing abilities.
Please note that all contributions here may be deleted periodically and without warning.
In the computer world, a sandbox is a place to test and experiment -- essentially, it's a place to play.
This is the AoPSWiki Sandbox. Feel free to experiment here.
Warning: anything you place here is subject to deletion without notice.
[This was deleted due to its inappropriateness.]
Test 1
Hi there yall
Test 2
This is what epicness looks like.
<asy2>unitsize(33);pair A,B,C,D,I;A=origin; B=1.6*right; C=1.6*dir(60); D=0.8*right;
I=incenter(A,B,C); draw(A--B--C--cycle);draw(incircle(A,B,C)); draw(C--D);
Test 3
Test 4.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
HELLO WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Test 5
n1000 is editing this. yay! (Made better by AoPS)
Who loves me?
Test 6
NeoMathematicalKid was here. And he broke the line of asy diagrams.
Test 7
silentazn's trillion dollar question
bobthesmartypants's answer: There is not enough space in the observable universe to write this number down, so there s no valid answer. my answer: There's not enough matter in the observable universe to store this number in memory, so you don't know the valid answer.