I spend my time doing math, going on AoPS, and reading.
This page is a collection of statistics from various things.
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=535&t=409544 The Letter Market II</url> by bluecarneal
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=535&t=416484 Payoff</url> by smallpeoples343
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=535&t=418005 The Death Race</url> by smallpeoples343
Settlements is a game I created where four players seek to eliminate all the other players. It is currently being tested in my blog.
<url>blog.php?page=download&mode=download&id=1519 Starting Positions</url>
For every turn that the first player takes, another year goes by.
Creating the board - At the beginning of the game, each player may choose to add two cities to the board. The cities must be within 3 to 5 moves away from the player's capital city. The player does not own these cities yet.
Creating settlements - You may create a settlement directly adjacent to (not diagonally next to) one of your settlements that already existed the previous year. You may not create more than 5 settlements a year. A settlement may not "create" more than one settlement in a year. On the map, a settlement is represented by the letter o or ø.
Losing settlements - You lose settlements if they get too old or if they are attacked. At the beginning of each new year, (before settlements are created that year) old settlements (represented by ø) disappear, and normal settlements (represented by o) turn into old settlements (which don't disappear until the next year).
Attacking - To attack an enemy settlement, create a new settlement(s) in the same square that the enemy is in. Both you and your enemy lose a settlement repeatedly in that square until one of you (or both of you) run out of settlements in that square.
Cities - Cities are represented by a square with a thick border. You may only have one settlement less than the limit in the city, but you get the advantage of being allied with the cityfolk, and they will allow you to produce an extra settlement directly adjacent to the city. To capture a city, create a settlement there successfully.
Capitals - Capitals are like cities, but they allow you to produce two extra settlements instead of one, and you may only have two settlements less than the limit.
The Settlement limit - The maximum number of settlements you may have in a square is inversely proportional to the number of players, rounded up. With four players, the limit is 2. If the number of players is , then
is the limit of settlments.
<url>blog.php?u=80033 as(d)f's blog</url>
I try to keep a views/entries ratio higher than 10.
CSS Skins
From least recent to most recent
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=360390 Lightning</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=371072 Astronomy</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=401034 Alcumus/AoPS theme</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=418036 Quizlet theme</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=416465 BSoD</url>