Partial derivative
A partial derivative of a function of many variables is the derivative of that function with respect to one of its arguments.
For example, if then has three partial derivatives at the point :
Del operator
The del operator, or nabla symbol, written , represents the vector where the value is the arity (number of arguments) of the function in question.
The product of and a function is a vector storing, in order, all of the partial derivatives of .
The gradient applies when is a scalar-valued function of many variables. For example, the gradient of temperature in a closed room is , where , , and are the Cartesian coordinates in the three spatial dimensions: length, width, and height, respectively. and are likely to be close to zero at most points, but probably has a small positive value, since the air nearer the ceiling (greater ) is warmer than the air nearer the floor (lesser ). Therefore, the typical direction of the gradient vector is close to upwards.