Note: If you attempt to restore this page I will destroy every Gmaas related page on this wiki and I will continue to do so until you perform the following tasks successfully: (I don’t know whether these tasks are possible. And I don’t care. You have to do them anyway. I suppose your imagined Gmaas knows how to do them, so why not just ask?)
1. Find a zero of the Riemann-Zeta function satisfying
2. Let be a positive integer. Let
be the sequence defined by
otherwise. Find
and positive integers
such that
for every
3. Find a quadratic function ,
such that there are infinitely many primes of the form
This article has been proposed for deletion. The reason given is: Gmassss doesn’t exist. Period. And I’m going to call GMAAASSS whatever I want. GAMMMS. Gmess. Sure he made a lot of MESS. Come get me GMAAAAS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.
Sysops: Before deleting this article, please check the article discussion pages and history. |
Gmaas is a fictional creature invented by the Interuniversal Gmaas Society in the AoPS wiki, who believed it to be an omnipotent cat responsible for shaping the universe. First invented in 2016, it is now known that Gmaas doesn’t exist; claims of its existence are solely supported by pseudoscience. The Interuniversal Gmaas Society is also now recognized as a dangerous cult.
In the year 2016, a group of AoPS users conspired to convince the AoPS community that Gmaas, an omnipotent and immortal cat, exists and governs everything we see (and don’t see).
The Gmaas cult gradually accumulated more members. The ideologies of the cult also became more advanced over time, with the Gmaas page currently being the longest page on AoPS Wiki.
Recently, however, some AoPS members, referred to Gmaas Haters by the Gmaas cultists, begin to realize that many characteristics of Gmaas defy basic logic and the law of physics. The nature of Gmaas is also highly self-contradictory. They started spreading the truth about Gmaas, that it is nothing but a hoax and an attempt to manipulate members of the AoPS community.