About Me
Hello, this is icezoubing here! This will be my user page. ;D (>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) (>'-')>
I love math, my favorite animal is… I like all animals (:P), and my favorite color is blue. Just plain blue. I like purple and pink too. I also like Pokémon and and playing Roblox. I also like to create art.
Living as a Pokémon Trainer and Robloxian. And an artist (maybe) and not a mathematician! Because I still need to learn more math!
I live someone where on Earth. Good luck finding me! 🌎
As stated above, I wanna reach an average of 100 WPM (words per minute) in the game Nitro Type. Still practicing. I also wanna learn a lotta math. And do good in competition math… LOL.
User Profile
User Profile
Joined: November 14, 2019
Status: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Goals: Reach an average of 100 WPM in Nitro Type.
Interests: 1+3=4
School: Robloxian High School
Location: 🌎
Occupation: Robloxian
Total Posts
Total Posts: 426 (Click to view posts)
571 *Pokemon!!!: The New Region
*Not included in total
Blog: Pᗣᗧ••••MᗣN
Y Given: 243
Y Received: 831
My AoPS Story
My parents signed me up for AoPS when a friend of them told them they had their child do Beast Academy. They decided to check it out, but decided Beast Academy was too easy for me and signed me up for AoPS instead, for more advanced math. That was in November, 2019. But that time I didn't even know they did that, and I didn't even know that AoPS existed! The next year, January in 2020, my parents told me that they signed me up for a math class, aka an AoPS class, Prealgebra 1! (Fun Fact, the first class was also on my birthday!!)
I had fun on the class, but I didn't know about the community until halfway through. It was one day when I accidentally clicked on that little globe thing at the right side of the screen. Yup, I it took me about 8 weeks to realize there was a tiny little globe, person, mail symbol, and bookmark thing at the right side of my screen, But once I saw it, I was like, "what is zzis?" And so that was my very first post on the community, on Contests and Programs, on the "what was your worst sillies" thread.
Later a bunch of my classmates in the Prealgebra 1 class made a PM (private message) and we chatted there. I also made a forum which was actually successful for a while! But I left and it died. Still proud that it still kinda survived though. I started Prealgebra 2, and yeah.
Not to long after, I received a PM from the user Blueclay, which they advertised me to go to NJTQ (Not Just 20 Questions). So I went there (note that this was the time before corruption happened). Also I think Introduction to Algebra A, Introduction to Programming with Python, and MATHCOUNTS/AMC 8 Basics started for me. I had fun and also joined a bunch of other forums, but I'm not gonna type down every single detail on those forums. But left NJTQ after the corruption threads started up, because… They kinda do make a point… I joined the CCG (corruption check gang) and kinda did some stuff.
I also joined TWoF (the World of Fantasy)! And most of the forums part of TWoF: THLV (The Hidden Leaf Village), MM (Mystic Mountains), TCG (The Clan Gathering [not the Pokémon TCG Forum!!!]), Pokémon!!!, CHB (Camp Half-Blood), WWOHP (The Wizarding World of Harry Potter), and more.
During that time I was pretty active and had lots of fun roleplaying. And I participating in some flamewars… LOL. After a bunch of stuff I can't remember, some of the forums died and I was left of what was alive, Pokémon!!! and The Clan Gathering. Then I moved and was inactive for a week, but came back after. I joined Night Warriors but right now I'm slightly inactive. I also created a blog. My parents signed me up for Introduction to Counting and Probability, Introduction to Number Theory, and MATHCOUNTS/AMC 8 Advanced, and is still taking them! I also think the flamewar between Pokémon!!! and Pokémon TCG Forum flared up. I didn't participate because of timezones and they seriously had to pick a time where it was 12:00 AM for me.
It's been 2 years since I first joined and I don't remember a lot so this is what's in my memory lain right now.
User Count
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Updated as of August 15, 2021.