G285 2021 MC10B
Problem 1
Problem 2
If , and , and , what is ?
Problem 3
A convex hexagon of length is inscribed in a circle of radius , where . If , and , find the area of the hexagon.
Problem 4
Find the smallest such that:
Problem 5
A principal is pushing out an emergency COVID-19 alert to his school of teachers and students. Suppose the announcement is first approved by his aides. Then, each of the aides share the announcement to teachers and students, where and for every aide . Moreover, , where is the round number ( for the aides releasing info it is round 1, then round 2....) After every round , some teachers in the previous round share the announcement to a new group of teachers and students, where . How many rounds will it take until the entire school is informed? Assume that after all teachers are informed, , but still grows as if .
Problem 6
Let planes parallel to the horizontal slice a sphere with radius at not necessarily distinct random locations to create cross sections, and partial spheres. What range of values for will the cumulative area of the cross-sections never be able to exceed the sum of the outer surface areas of the partial spheres?
Problem 7
Let the following infinite summation be shown: Suppose each individual sum is denoted by a constant , where is the inner most sum, and evaluates sums going outward. For what minimum value of will the expression be ?
Problem 8
Find the sum of all real values if:
Problem 9
Call a 3-digit positive integer if it can be represented as the difference of two distinct palindromes, and the number itself is NOT a palindrome. Find the number of