User talk:Mercrist 089

Revision as of 19:33, 6 December 2016 by Wangbaby2004 (talk | contribs)
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Hello, and welcome to my wiki page!! My name is John Mercado!! I'll talk about a few things about me, things of which most of you don't know about yet. I'll leave a section for you guys to comment at the end of the page if you want to tell me anything. And as always, have fun!

Early Life and Location

Since the day I was born, I have lived in Puerto Rico all my life. I have been in school until I was in $4^{th}$ grade because my mom didn't like the education they offered at the school I used to attend. I was homeschooled from $5^th$ grade until I was in $8^{th}$ grade. During this time, my mom was searching through threads on other websites to see if anyone offered some challenging math classes online. It was then that my mom discovered the "Art of Problem Solving", also most commonly known as AoPS. I quickly became interested in it and as of January 15, 2015, I created an AoPS account. I continue to express my support toward this website and continue to be an active user in AoPS!


I currently attend TASIS in Puerto Rico.

How I Got My Username

So basically, I used to be a HUGE LoTR fan. In the Hobbit, Bilbo receives this sword called Orcrist (which I thought was a pretty cool name). I decided to combine my name (John Mercado) to the name of this sword and decided on the username Mercrist! I picked 089 because I thought it went well with my name.

AoPS Classes Completed

I've taken Intro to Algebra A. and sort of did Intro to Algebra B. I'm planning on taking Intro to. C&P next summer and the summer after that I will the Intermediate C&P.

What I Want to Do When I Grow Up

When I grow up, I'm planning on becoming a software engineer!

Languages I Know

I know English and Spanish very well and I'm currently learning French at my school.

My Siblings

I have two siblings, mthen, and animal_lover. Out of the two, mthen the idiot is the oldest.


I like to :

  • Hang out on AoPS
  • Watch Anime
  • Go to the theaters
  • Hang out with my friends
  • Play games with my friends
  • Talk with my friends
  • Do track and field
  • Read
  • Play tennis
  • And do AoPS math!

Animes I've Seen and I'm Planning to See

So far, I've seen Attack on Titan and Erased. In the future, I plan to see:

  • Death Note
  • Monster
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • Code Geass

If there are any more animes you guys recommend tell me so!


I actually have a blog here. Check it out and tell me what you guys think!

User Added Comments

You guys can edit here and comment. Whenever you post, put a space at the start of your comment and your name so I can know who posted here. Thanks for reading!