
Revision as of 19:19, 6 July 2024 by Char0221 (talk | contribs)




Page name: "User:Char0221", Viewing

About me

I like to post problems in Middle School Math, solve Rubik's Cube variations (the 4x4x4 is my favorite), and turn math into a funhouse. I have failed to accomplish number three (why are your math classes so boring? I just don't know. Education is not exciting.) I failed MATHCOUNTS Chapter by missing State Round by one point, but I still have two more years. I have been practicing my problem-writing skills by posting them. They have pretty generic names (i.e. Zod, Mike, Andrew, etc.) I'm still new to the AoPS Wiki, so I need more experience.


Blog is found here: Asymptote Hey, but why not visit here?



Wait, why am I giving you this information again? You're the stalker, not me.

Alcumus history

All green or above except for Precalculus and Geometry. Algebra is my best rating.

For the Win history

I have an 88.888888889% chance of winning against my friends.

Wait, you play FTW in class?

Nothing new there. Also, is this long enough to hide the last part?

Editors of this page: Look here

Rules: Easy enough. Post under another person, not above. Format is shown below:



Test message - User:Char0221
Another example - User:Char0221
3rd message - User:Char0221
Since I'm too lazy to make a user talk, here we are. - User:Char0221