Username |
Name |
Pictures |
Job Title
5space |
Dustin Ransom |
![Dransom.png]( |
VP of Operations
aemills |
Amy Mills |
![Amills.png]( |
Administration Manager
adjones |
Aaron Demby Jones |
![Ajones.png]( |
Math Curriculum Developer
agarcia0804 |
Alejandro Garcia |
![Agarcia.png]( |
Shipping Lead
agrant |
Amanda Grant |
![Agrant.png]( |
Accounting and Payroll Specialist
ak.santana |
Anakaren Santana |
![Asantana.png]( |
BA in Schools Director
alebbos |
Andres Lebbos |
![Alebbos.png]( |
Software Developer
amysz |
Amy Szczepanski |
![Aszczepanski.png]( |
Software Developer
AoPSSheriff |
AoPS Staff |
areilly |
Amanda Reilly |
![Areilly.png]( |
Software Development Lead
arogers8 |
Alisa Rogers |
![Arogers.png]( |
Software Developer
aturk |
Amanda Turk |
![Aturk.png]( |
Physics Curriculum Developer
ayin123 |
Andrew Yin |
![Ayin.png]( |
Software Developer
BAillustrator |
Erich Owen |
![Eowen.png]( |
bmcadams |
Bessie McAdams |
![Bmcadams.png]( |
Language Arts Curriculum Developer
brentnicklas |
Brent Nicklas |
![Bnicklas.png]( |
School Staff Management Lead
bridgetlynch |
Bridget Lynch |
![Blynch.png]( |
Workflow Systems Designer
BugMaster |
AoPS Staff |
chrislang3 |
Chris Lang |
![Clang.png]( |
Purchasing Administrator
cmcdowell |
ColorfulBeast14 |
copeland |
Jeremy Copeland |
![Jeremy Copeland.png]( |
AoPS Online Buisness Director
corinne |
Corinne Madsen |
![Corinne.jpeg]( |
VP of Technology
cpage |
Chris Page |
![Cpage.png]( |
Math Curriculum Developer
cpilkington |
Celeste Pilkington |
![Cpilkington.png]( |
AoPS Online Operations Director
devenware |
Deven Ware |
![Devenware.jpeg]( |
Math Curriculum Lead
dcouchman |
Dorothy Couchman |
![Dcouchman.png]( |
Customer Experience Manager
DPatrick |
David Patrick |
![Dpatrick.png]( |
Principal Math Curriculum Developer
dromney |
Damian Romney |
![Dromney.png]( |
Teaching Staff Manager, Virtual Campus
dscott |
Dane Scott |
![Dscott.png]( |
Language Arts Curriculum Intern
dukeofdensmore |
Kris Siy |
![Ksiy.png]( |
Math Curriculum Developer
ecastner |
Emily Castner |
![Ecastner.png]( |
Master Instructor
eminentabyss |
eolsen |
Eric Olsen |
![Eolsen.png]( |
VP of Marketing
Extensions |
Esmerelda Xenophilia Tensions |
gmaas |
Grayson Maas |
![Gmass-meow.jpeg]( |
VP of Sales
iperez0801 |
Ivan Perez |
![Iperez.png]( |
Warehouse and Facilities Manager
hng |
Heidi Ng |
![Hng.png]( |
Student Services Specialist
jbarron |
Joseph Barron |
![Jbarron.png]( |
Software Development Lead
jbatterson |
Jason Batterson |
![Jbatterson.png]( |
BA Headmaster
jgf1123 |
James Fung |
![Jgf1123.png]( |
Data Analyst
jroberts |
Jeff Roberts |
![Jroberts.png]( |
jsan |
Jack Sanchez |
![Jsanchez.png]( |
Academy Language Arts Curriculum Lead
jwelsh |
Josette Welsh |
![Jwelsh.png]( |
Customer Service Specialist
kguillet |
Kyle Guillet |
![Kguillet.png]( |
Virtual Campus Math Director
kmicheli |
Karla Micheli |
![Kmicheli.png]( |
Talent Acquisition Specialist
kziglari |
Kiana Ziglari |
![Kziglari.png]( |
Software Developer
LauraZed |
Laura Zehender |
![Lzehender.png]( |
Student Services Lead
levans |
Larry Evans |
LoreleiA |
Lorelei Atkins |
![Latkins.png]( |
Customer Service Specialist
mbockenhauer |
Marychello Bockenhauer |
![Mbockenhauer309x309.png]( |
HR Manager
mcyoder |
Camille Yoder |
![Cyoder.png]( |
Online School Operations Coordinator
meichenlaub |
Mark Eichenlaub |
![Meichenlaub.png]( |
Physics Curriculum Lead
MellowMelon |
Palmer Mebane |
![Pmebane.png]( |
Principal Software Developer
melschulz |
Melissa Schulz |
![Mschulz.png]( |
Language Arts Curriculum Lead
mrichard |
Mark Richard |
![Mrichard.png]( |
Math Curriculum Developer
mroby |
Maggie Roby |
![Mroby.png]( |
Language Arts Curriculum Developer
msanchez |
Mariela Sanchez |
![Msanchez.png]( |
HR Administrator
nellis25 |
Nicole Ellis |
![Nellis.png]( |
nprince |
Noah Prince |
![Nprince.png]( |
Technology Systems Designer
nsato |
Naoki Sato |
![Nsato.png]( |
Math Curriculum Developer
paulhryu |
Ho Seung (Paul) Ryu |
![Pryu.png]( |
Senior Software Developer
phxu |
Phyllis Xu |
![Pxu.png]( |
Software Development Lead
prannulu |
Pavi Rannulu |
![Prannulu.png]( |
Student Services Specialist
psalerno |
Paul Salerno |
![Psalerno.png]( |
Senior Software Developer
rjashmore |
R.J. Ashmore |
![Rashmore.png]( |
Project Manager
rku |
Ryan Ku |
![Rku.png]( |
Software Developer
rkuroyama |
Ryan Kuroyama |
![Rkuroyama.png]( |
School Staff Manager
rrusczyk |
Richard Rusczyk |
![Richardrusczyk.jpeg]( |
sarahtrebatleder |
Sarah Trebat-Leder |
![Stleder.png]( |
VP of Personnel
sfurfine |
Sophia Furfine |
![Sfurfine.png]( |
Associate Math Curriculum Developer
skuroyama |
Shari Kuroyama |
![Skuroyama.png]( |
Software Developer
srogers |
Shannon Rogers |
![Srogers.png]( |
Project Management Lead
stephanietaylor |
Stephanie Taylor |
![Staylor.png]( |
Internal Communications Specialist
tlcruickshank |
Tina Cruickshank |
![Tcruickshank.png]( |
Administrative Accounts Manager
tmoyer |
Tasha Moyer |
![Tmoyer.png]( |
Beast Academy Project Manager
vapodaca |
Vanessa Apodaca |
![Vapodaca.png]( |
School Staff Manager
wlim |
Walfrey Lim |
![Wlim.png]( |
Talent Acquisition Coordinator
yatingliu |
Yating Liu |
![Yliu.png]( |
Virtual Campus Director
zchen |
Ziyi Chen |
![Zchen.png]( |
Software Developer
Doga Ari |
![Dari.png]( |
Graphic Designer
Kathy Cordeiro |
![Kcordeiro.png]( |
Customer Service Specialist, Virtual Campus
Kat Flores |
![Kflores.png]( |
Christie Harrison |
![Charrison.png]( |
Online School Operations Director
Kelly Jones |
![Kjones.png]( |
Academy Regional Director
Bella Kim |
![Bkim.png]( |
Richard Kreutz-Landry |
![Rkreutz-landry.png]( |
Software Developer
Greta Selman |
![Gselman.png]( |
Jessica Seekamp |
![Jseekamp.png]( |
Teaching Staff Manager, Virtual Campus
Claire Vannette |
![Cvannette.png]( |
Launch Project Manager
Alex Williamson |
![Awilliamson.png]( |