Proof of the Existence of Primitive Roots
This page is dedicated to proving the existence of primitive roots for certain integers.
Let be a positive integer. Then have a primitive root if and only if
We start case by case, starting with the most basic case:
Case 1
In this case, we have , where is prime.
We wish to show that have a primitive root.
To do so, we first need a few lemmas regarding the solutions of polynomial congruences.
Lemma 1 (Lagrange's Theorem):
Let be a prime and let
be a polynomial with degree (where is an integer), with integer coeficients and leading coeficient not divisible by .
Then have at most incongruent roots modulo .
Note that this is a number theory analogue of the fundamental theorem of algebra.
Note also that this theorem only holds for primes. For example, when , there is incongruent roots (as the reader should verify) modulo , but this does not contradicts Lagrange's theorem since is composite.
Proof: We proceed by mathematical induction. When , the statement is obvious; it merely states that a linear congruence have at most one solution modulo , which is true since .
Now, suppose the theorem holds for a (n-1)th degree polynomial. Let be a nth degree polynomial with leading coeficient relatively prime to . Then assume it have incongruent roots modulo , say . Then,
for a (n-1)th degree polynomial with leading coeficient . Then satisfy the conditions of the inductive hypothesis.
Now, let be an arbitary integer with . . Thus,
Thus are all roots of . This contradicts the inductive hypothesis, and thus establishes the lemma. .
Now, we have a useful corollary:
Corollary (Lemma 2):
Let be prime and let be a divisor of . Then the polynomial have exactly incongruent roots modulo .
Proof: Let . We have
for a degree polynomial . By Fermat's Little Theorem, have exactly roots modulo . By Lagrange's Theorem, have at most incongruent roots modulo . Thus, have at least roots modulo . On the other hand, Lagrange's Theorem again implies have at most incongruent roots. Thus, have exactly roots.
This result can be used to prove a result regarding the number of integer of a certain integer a prime can have. Before we state and prove that, we present yet another lemma.
Lemma 3:
Let be prime and let be a divisor of . Then the number of positive integers less than of order modulo do not exceed .
Proof: Let denote the number of positive integers less than of order modulo .
Now, if , the result is trivial. Assume , and that is an integer with order modulo . Then the integers
are incongruent modulo . Also, each of those integers are a root of . By Lemma 3, those are the only roots. Thus, every possible integer with order modulo must be a power of . Obviously, the exponent of must be relatively prime to , or otherwise there exist a smaller solution to (for ) than , which would cause to be less than . Therefore, the result follow by the definition of the Euler-Phi Function. .
In fact, the number of positive integers less than of order modulo is exactly , as the following lemma shows:
Lemma 4:
Let be prime and let be a divisor of . Then the number of positive integers less than of order modulo is exactly .
Proof: As the page Proof of Some Primitive Roots Facts proved, the order of an integer modulo divides , we have
By some Euler-Phi Function facts, we know that
Lemma 3 implies for each , so it follows that for every . .
An easy corollary of that is when we take , and we get that every prime have primitive roots. We have thus shown that every prime have a primitive roots.
Case 1 is completed.
Case 2