
< User:Piphi
Revision as of 14:51, 25 June 2020 by Piphi (talk | contribs)



Welcome to the sandbox, a location to test your newfound wiki-editing abilities.

Please note that all contributions here may be deleted periodically and without warning.


About Me

PM me if you want to find out about some cool things you can do with the AoPS wiki.

My main project on the AoPS wiki is a list of all the AoPS admins, everyone is welcome to add more admins to the list by clicking here. I also added most of the info in the Reaper Archives.

For a complete list of my Asymptote drawings, go here.

Name and Surname Height
John Smith 1.85
Ian Ray 1.89
Zachary Bianchi 1.72

This text is backwards and a line is going through it and is highlighted


It is Friday March 14, 2025, 01:59 (GMT).

There have been 246,590 edits to 10,883 articles since January, 2006.

3,453 files have been uploaded.

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27,997 10,883 3,453 246,590 262,192 29 138 25 25 06 2020 20200625145145 Piphi

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The landscape changed as time went on: flowing, twisting, corrupting. The dull sheen of tainted metal shining through everywhere.
In the trees, roots, animals, and even the mountainous valleys that had always been an oasis of difference.
Still, our dragon continued, untainted and resolute, soaring above.
There would be a home yet, a sanctuary, a place for all those not given in to this singular invading force that was misshaping the world.

from The Chronicles of the Pale Moon, 66:1

turtle sees everything