Rational number

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A rational number is a number that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers.


  • All integers are rational because every integer $a$ can be represented as $\frac{a}{1}$
  • Every number with a finite decimal expansion is rational (for example, $12.345=\frac{12345}{1000}$)
  • Every number with a periodic decimal expansion (for example, 0.314314314...) is also rational.

Moreover, any rational number in any base satisfies exactly one of the last two conditions.


  • Rational numbers form a field. In plain English it means that you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide them (with the exception of division by $0$) and the result of each such operation is again a rational number.
  • Rational numbers are dense in the set of reals. This means that every non- empty open interval on the real line contains at least one (actually, infinitely many) rationals. Alternatively, it means that every real number can be represented as a limit of a sequence of rational numbers.
  • Despite this, the set of rational numbers is countable, i.e. the same size as the set of integers.

See also

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