Power of a Point Theorem

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The Power of a Point Theorem is a relationship that holds between the lengths of the line segments formed when two lines intersect a circle and each other.


There are three possibilities as displayed in the figures below:

  1. The two lines are chords of the circle and intersect inside the circle (figure on the left). In this case, we have $AE\cdot CE = BE\cdot DE$.
  2. One of the lines is tangent to the circle while the other is a secant (middle figure). In this case, we have $AB^2 = BC\cdot BD$.
  3. Both lines are secants of the circle and intersect outside of it (figure on the right). In this case, we have $CB\cdot CA = CD\cdot CE.$

Alternate Formulation

This alternate formulation is much more compact, convenient, and general.

Consider a circle $O$ and a point $P$ in the plane where $P$ is not on the circle. Now draw a line through $P$ that intersects the circle in two places. The power of a point theorem says that the product of the length from $P$ to the first point of intersection and the length from $P$ to the second point of intersection is constant for any choice of a line through $P$ that intersects the circle. This constant is called the power of point $P$. For example, in the figure below \[PX^2=PA_1\cdot PB_1=PA_2\cdot PB_2=\cdots=PA_i\cdot PB_i\]


Hint for Proof

Draw extra lines to create similar triangles (Draw $AD$ on all three figures. Draw another line as well.)

Notice how this definition still works if $A_k$ and $B_k$ coincide (as is the case with $X$). Consider also when $P$ is inside the circle. The definition still holds in this case.


One important result of this theorem is that both tangents from any point $P$ outside of a circle to that circle are equal in length.

The theorem generalizes to higher dimensions, as follows.

Let $P$ be a point, and let $S$ be an $n$-sphere. Let two arbitrary lines passing through $P$ intersect $S$ at $A_1,B_1;A_2,B_2$, respectively. Then \[PA_1\cdot PB_1=PA_2\cdot PB_2\]

Proof. We have already proven the theorem for a $1$-sphere (a circle), so it only remains to prove the theorem for more dimensions. Consider the plane $p$ containing both of the lines passing through $P$. The intersection of $P$ and $S$ must be a circle. If we consider the lines and $P$ with respect simply to that circle, then we have reduced our claim to the case of two dimensions, in which we know the theorem holds.



  • Find the value of $x$ in the following diagram:
  • Find the value of $x$ in the following diagram:
  • (ARML) In a circle, chords $AB$ and $CD$ intersect at $R$. If $AR:BR=1:4$ and $CR:DR=4:9$, find the ratio $AB:CD$ .
  • (ARML) Chords $AB$ and $CD$ of a given circle are perpendicular to each other and intersect at a right angle at point $E$. Given that $BE=16$, $DE=4$, and $AD=5$, find $CE$.


  • Two tangents from an external point $P$ are drawn to a circle and intersect it at $A$ and $B$. A third tangent meets the circle at $T$, and the tangents $\overrightarrow{PA}$ and $\overrightarrow{PB}$ at points $Q$ and $R$, respectively (this means that T is on the minor arc $AB$). If $AP = 20$, find the perimeter of $\triangle PQR$. (Source)
  • Square $ABCD$ of side length $10$ has a circle inscribed in it. Let $M$ be the midpoint of $\overline{AB}$. Find the length of that portion of the segment $\overline{MC}$ that lies outside of the circle. (Source)
  • $DEB$ is a chord of a circle such that $DE=3$ and $EB=5 .$ Let $O$ be the center of the circle. Join $OE$ and extend $OE$ to cut the circle at $C.$ Given $EC=1,$ find the radius of the circle. (Source)

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  • Triangle $ABC$ has $BC=20.$ The incircle of the triangle evenly trisects the median $AD.$ If the area of the triangle is $m \sqrt{n}$ where $m$ and $n$ are integers and $n$ is not divisible by the square of a prime, find $m+n.$ (Source)


  • This problem has not been edited in. Help us out by adding it.

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