
(Redirected from AHSIMC)
The title of this article has been capitalized due to technical restrictions. The correct title should be 'iTest'.

The iTest (formerly the American High School Internet Mathematics Competition) is a team-based math competition for high school students. The difficulty in the test is varied, ranging from simple arithmetic problems to complex Olympiad problems. Winning teams earn recent technology prizes like a video game console of their choice.

Region: USA
Type: Multiple Choice, Free Response, Proof
Difficulty: 1-8
Difficulty Breakdown:

MC Questions: 1-4.5
FR Questions (Earlier): 1-4.5
FR Questions (Later): 4-8


The iTest covers traditional high school math concepts, including algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, probability, and logic. Graphing calculators are allowed, but computers are not allowed.

Prior to 2008, the iTest has multiple choice, free response, and an "Ultimate" question. In the multiple choice questions, there is 1 choice on the first problem, 2 choices on the second problem, and so on. The "Ultimate" question is a series of 10 questions where each question requires the answer of a previous problem, much like the relay questions of the ARML. There were also 4 tiebreaker proof questions.

In the 2008 iTest, there are 100 free response questions with a storyline attached that connects most of the problems. Unlike previous years, ties will solely be broken by submission time.

The 2007 and 2008 iTest also have a Tournament of Champions, a series of harder free response problems.


See Also